Haruka and Lesley attended the Paul Harris Society lunch last weekend.
The Paul Harris Society comprises Rotarians who donate $US 1000 annually to the Rotary Foundation for as long as they are able.
Members gather several times each year to hear from those who have benefitted from the Foundation through a Peace or Global Grant scholarship, a grant or through a Vocational project.
This was a wonderful opportunity for Haruka to be introduced to the Foundation and our district representatives who supported her application.
This meeting's speaker was Hannah Gandy who has recently returned from studying a masters degree in law at University College London. Hannah studi8ed her undergraduate degree in law at LaTrobe University and is now working at the Centre for Multicultural Youth. She is focussing on social justice. She shared with us the difficult and traumatic childhood she experienced and how she overcame disadvantage to reach this goal.
Past Dist
rict Governor Grant Hocking, Foundation Chair, spoke about the work of the Foundation in our district and the scholars we have sponsored.
PDG Murray Verso then gave an update on End Polio and the vital role Rotary has played in eradication through vaccines, delivery, volunteers, the partnership with the Bill Gates Foundation and financial support through the Foundation.
PDGs Julie Mason, Murray Verso and Grant Hocking with our End Polio bear and Haruka.
World Polio Day is 24 October, and we invite all Rotarians, families, friends and colleagues to show their support by registering their participation. Polio eradication has been Rotary's primary goal for more than 30 years, so it's important to show your support for our number one initiative.
We want to show the world that Rotary members still care about polio eradication and the promise we made long ago to the children of the world. Whether hosting an event or a fundraiser, raising awareness of the importance of polio immunization on social media, or making a simple presentation during a meeting, it's essential to show that we're making a difference. What matters is raising awareness for a cause important to all Rotary members and friends of our organization.
World Polio Day Resources | End Polio