What a very busy few weeks we have had since the last newsletter!
The last evening meeting held at Riverside Golf Club was a joyous and fun filled time with contributions from many members, and the induction of Hayden smith as our newest member. Hayden and his wife Jess have already participated in many activities and have been warmly welcomed.
The Rotary Youth Driver Awareness day was a huge success and thanks go to Shraddha for coordinating with Anton Hockey the RYDA coordinator and MAC.
I was delighted to present our 2 club scholarships at Mount Alexander College this week. It is that time of year, and our Youth Chair Jeff is busy coordinating certificates and presentations.
Today was Blazer presentation for Jay Tatulaschwili, our outward-bound Youth Exchange student off to Denmark in January. It was an amazing afternoon where I heard from the current inbounds and the outbounds on their experiences. Jay spoke in Danish giving his presentation - awesome, I didn't understand one word!
Lovely also to meet Jay's parents Carla and Scott.
We have 3 events coming up - hopefully I will see you at one or all of these.
At the coming breakfast meeting, we hope to welcome 2 prospective members: Will Thomas and Nick Pearce.
This meeting is also the time when we ask for donations to Share the Dignity/It's in the Bag which Deb and Gauge will be coordinating at the Op Shop. Please bring along items for the bags.
Thank you all for your service and contribution this year.
I wish everyone a safe, happy, peaceful and joyous festive season. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Welcome Hayden Smith:
It was a pleasure to formally induct Hayden into our club at the last meeting. Hayden is not new to Rotary being a former Rotary Exchange student and having been a member of the Rotary Club of Mt Warning and the eClub of Next Generattons in NSW.
There to share the evening were Ms Ching Chan from MAC along with NYSF student Simeon; RYE 2025 Jay who is off to Denmark, RCG leader David Dippie, Chris Richardson, Frances Stratford and Adam Vaid.
Held in Woodend, with 5 inbound and 5 outbound students, the RYE team presented to parents and students on what's next: flights, other travel issues, passports and visas, the journey etc.
Then we heard reports from the inbound students from Spain, Brazil, France. Italy and Croatia. They have had an amazing year so far and all commented that the 1st choice they had to make was choosing an AFL team!! Where are you Chris Drenen, no Carlton!!
Then each of the outbounds gave a short presentation about themselves - in the language of their host country. How amazing.
DG Michael and DGE Peter were on hand to offer some advice and encourage them to enjoy, explore and wonder at all things new.
******************************************* Activity reports: RYDA -thanks to Drew, Jess, Jo, John, Lesley and Shraddha for volunteering on the day.
Kensington Market - thanks to Nicole and Charlotte, Karolina and Len, Haruka and Gauge, Shraddha and Lesley.
MAC Awards Night: Congratulations Ayah Omar, our newest Del King Scholar, and Toby Pedersen, the Ted Frank recipient for this year.
The Paul Harris Society lunchwas inspiring. Haruka and I met 3 Global scholars and heard some wonderful reports on their activities. She will be speaking at the May luncheon.
1. The Fundraising APP is in progress. Peter and Shraddha have been in contact with Darryll Chappell at Sputnik who is coordinating for us. This has been made possible by a grant from Bendigo Bank.
2. Books to the Maldives - Peter has been informed that the books and stationery are now en route to the various schools and libraries. READ MORE.
3. Jarriban Hospital - the container is due to arrive at Garacad on 10 December for transport to the university and hospital.
4. Nepal Education and teacher training: Payment of our contribution to this Global Grant project has been finalised.
Haruka's update:
Haruka has finished classes and assignments for the year.
She is now free and is seeking members to include her in their activities and end of year festivities.
Peter and Bev Cribb have invited her to Torquay for the weekend of 14/15th. ** She is also looking for new accommodation - can anyone assist? Do you know of someone looking for a housemate or having a room to let within 5km of the university?
Please contact her or liaise with Lesley, Shraddha or Drew.
SHARE THE DIGNITY // It's in the Bag!
Bring along unwanted handbags or small backpacks - filled or empty.
Items to donate include shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap or body wash, deodorant, period products, a hairbrush and /or comb, moisturiser or a lipstick, a face washer.
We deliver our filled bags locally!
DR Murray Verso reports that sadly, Polio cases have rapidly increased in recent months, mainly in Pakistan but spreading away from the usual border area. 78 cases last count which is a big increase.
********************************************************** DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:
Wednesday 4 December: Breakfast meeting at Mama Bear.
Saturday 7 December: Carols in Queens Park BBQ 4pm - 8pm RSVP to Lesley
UPDATE: we are waiting for advice from MVCC due to weather forecast.
Monday 9 December: Christmas lunch with our shop volunteers at Riverside Golf Club 12 noon. Please RSVP to Mel asap.
Wednesday 18 December - the Op Shop closes for the year.
The first meeting for 2025 will be breakfast at Mama Bear, Wednesday 22nd January.
Patto was a well know member of the Flemington racing community and long time friend to Len Seddon.
He was the man in the red coat on the grey horse accompanying winners back to the post. John was chief Clerk of Course at the metropolitan racecourses for over 50 years and was a familiar figure in the streets near Crown Street stables. He was a "living Legend" at Flemington Racecourse.
Patto has 2 sons Shane and Peter, and daughter Sheralee who are all involved with horses.
Anwar Alishek, honorary member, a good friend of many members is seeking work.
Anwar has done home handyman and maintenance jobs for many of us and previously assisted Ted Frank on maintenance of his rental properties. He lives in St Albans and has an ABN. He is skilled at:
- carpentry
- painting
- general home repairs
- gardening
- home handyman type jobs
Contact Anwar on 0401 372 713
Peter Cribb, Allan Bruno, Lesley McCarthy and Anne Dynon can provide references.
At the last meeting, prospective member Adam Vaid spoke of a friend of his with a sad tale of their baby ill with cancer. Adam has set up a GoFundMe page to assist.
If you are able to assist, please use the link. Contact Shraddha for more information.
Shraddha has also advised him to get in touch with the Abbey Solo foundation for seeking some additional support options for the family; and for assistance to manage and update this GoFundme page, which will benefit from some further information.