Full to the every brim!  The container destined for Jarriban University hospital loaded today. The fantastic DiK team were assisted by Peter Cribb, Jo Walker, Lesley McCarthy with Yasir, Abdullah, Abdullahi and Soraya from the Somali community.  
The container will ship to Dubai, then to Garacad and on road to Jarriban.  ETA October.
Included is:
25 hospital beds and another 13 mattresses
4 childrens cost
1 operating table
1 humidicrib
2 dialysis machines, chairs and consumables
2 autoclaves
2 microscopes and slides
6 patient transfer trolleys
6 medication trolleys
7 IV poles
3 blood pressure machines
4 wheelchairs
30, 4- wheel walkers
12 pair crutches
106 boxes of medical consumables - gowns, masks, gloves, bandages, needles and syringes, sanitiser, disinfectant wipes, scrubs, burns and eye kits, scissors and forceps, kidney dishes
1 cupboard
50 student desks and chairs
1 skeleton
2 CPR dummies
20 cartons textbooks
16 student/teacher ststionery kits
Value in excess of $150,000