How wonderful to meet in person again. Several of us intrepid members enjoyed the renewed vibe at Mama Bear in Racecourse Road on 1 December.
We chose not to have a speaker, but allow time for catch up, discussion of projects and activities and for a special presentation.

Past President Anne Heyes was unable to make several presentations at the Changeover - held again via ZOOM - and this was the perfect
opportunity for us to acknowledge the immense efforts and hard work of Betty Kitchener over the last year.
Betty has made an invaluable contribution in her short time with our club, dedicating many hours to the Op Shop and to the success of the Art Show. She has brought husband Tony Jorm along and he has also been a strong supporter. Anne presented Betty with a Paul Harris Fellow certificate and pin and thanked her for all her work.
opportunity for us to acknowledge the immense efforts and hard work of Betty Kitchener over the last year.
Betty has made an invaluable contribution in her short time with our club, dedicating many hours to the Op Shop and to the success of the Art Show. She has brought husband Tony Jorm along and he has also been a strong supporter. Anne presented Betty with a Paul Harris Fellow certificate and pin and thanked her for all her work.

It looks like women only - but that's not the case.
John Sklenar was on the way, Peter was enjoying the beach again,
Josie, Mel, Sandy and Lorry had other commitments and Lyn, Cody, Geoff Nicole and Len were apologies. Shraddha is still in Nepal.
Josie, Mel, Sandy and Lorry had other commitments and Lyn, Cody, Geoff Nicole and Len were apologies. Shraddha is still in Nepal.
We look forward to 15 December for our Christmas Celebrations. All welcome!