Shraddha and Lesley joined Rotarians and their partners rom clubs across District 9800 to celebrate the 2021-2022 year of "Serve to Change Lives" and welcome incoming District Governor Amanda Wendt as she asks us to "Imagine Rotary".

District Governor Dale announced a number of presentations and Paul Harris Awards, the Champions of Change, and then the District Recognitions,
The Rotary Club of Flemington was recognised for our efforts in public image in utilising the strength of the local newspapers:
Flem-Ken News and the Inner NorthWest City News.

Flem-Ken News and the Inner NorthWest City News.
We were also recognised for membership growth with the membership of Yvonne Farquharson. Rebecca Smith abd the change of Karolina Sevcikova from Honorary to Active in February.
It was great to catch up with friends from other clubs too including Austen Burleigh and Peter Boudville, and with Keilor East Presideent Deb Sloggett and PE David Dippie.