Our club meeting this Wednesday 7.45am for an 8am start.
Meeting ID 84563388299 no passcode required
Wear your craziest hat as we Lift the Lid on mental illness.
Our guest speaker will be Dr Suresh Marcandan from the Rotary Club of Melbourne. Suresh is the District rep for ARH. He is originally from Sri Lanka and has had an interesting career as a Master Mariner, with degrees in business, law, marketing and education and international diplomacy from Oxford, Harvard and others.
He runs a marine consultancy business. He is a strong believer in the power of education to improve lives.
Our club has agreed to fund a PhD scholarship through Australian Rotary Health focussing on the mental health of children aged 0-12. Applications closed last week and the Board is now awaiting an announcement about the successful candidate. What a legacy this will be for our club and the dedicated fundraising efforts of so many members over the years!!
BSB 633-000 Account 151 262 821 and we will forward to ARH on your behalf.