Past President Lesley McCarthy attended this year's awards evening at the Clocktower. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate and acknowledge the hard work and determination of the graduating students after the past 2 and a half years.
As well as the awards, there were a number of musical performances which were just outstanding.
Several of the students whom we have supported or sponsored in the past received awards including Zoe He {NYSF 2022} who was Dux of Year 12; Inas Adil Ahmed {School Captain and MC}, Flynn {Op Shop Work Experience student}, Jacinta Klassen {MUNA], Salma Salaat {NYSF}
Lesley presented the Del King Award to Nasteho Salaat and the inaugural Ted Frank Vocational Award to Anh Tran.
Nasteho is the sister of Salma Salaat who attended NYSF this year with Zoe.
Anh Tran is a Vietnamese student who has been accepted to study Business Analysis at Swinburne University next year.

Below left - Zoe He {NYSF, Dux} with Lesley and Inas Adel Ahmed {Del King Award, School Captain}.
Below right - Ching Chan, Lesley, Zoe and Graeme {a long serving teacher.
Below right - Ching Chan, Lesley, Zoe and Graeme {a long serving teacher.