There was a buzz in the air and lots of chatter as a huge number of community volunteers joined in this National Tree Day event. The plan was to plant 3000 seedlings as part of the Greening the West and increasing tree canopy and wildlife habitat programs. Well we did!!
Rotarians from Flemington Kensington, Keilor East and Carlton were joined by District Governor Amanda Wendt from Rotary Melbourne and DGEN Michael Lapina and son Alex from Rotary Wyndham. Mayor Samantha Byrne got her hands dirty and was joined by Ben Carroll MP for Keilor and Danny Pearson MP for Essendon.

Milly Burke, MVCC Conservation Programs Officer and her amazing team of workers had predrilled holes, laid out tubestock and spread mulch. From there it was just a matter of grab your gloves and trowel, a watering can and get planting - which everyone did.
Many thanks to the fabulous team from Keilor East for cooking and serving the sausage sizzle to very grateful planters and workers: David Dippie, Ginny & Alex Billson, Marianne Potgieter, Yvonne Osborn and Tina Ballos.
It was great to see regular partners Moonee Valley Sustainability and the scouts and cubs from Strathmore.