After 12 months in the planning, first inspired by President Shraddha's visit in August 2021, the container is now packed and on its way.
Thanks to the incredible effort by Bob Allardice and a team of people, 15 playgrounds plus 2 extra swing sets were loaded - a new RORP record. John Arena is very pleased as he has most of his yard free again - but that won't last.

Those who helped out during the loading were Peter Cribb, John Sklenar and Sam Nicol from Flemington-Kensington.
Rotarians from other clubs were Ian Armstrong, Jerzy Ordega, Des Shiels, Isiah Lahai, Gerry van Horick, Matthew Gibney, Roger Wilson, Cheryl McKay, Peter Peyton, and Scott Allardice.
Thanks to Gerry who contacted the Lilydale Star news resulting in the excellent article below.