Past District Governor attended the Council on Legislation on behalf of District 9800.
Please note the following actions that follow on from the COL.
- Updated constitutional documents will be published by RI before 15 June 2022.
- David Whiting (RC of Keilor) has offered to make the necessary changes to the Standard Club Constitution and Bylaws for clubs to implement. These changes will comply with the requirements of RI and Victorian legislation.
- The updated Manual of Procedure will be published in English by October 2022.
Council on Legislation
The COL is an important part of Rotary’s governance process. While the RI Board of Directors sets policies for Rotary International, the Council is where Rotary clubs have their say in the governance of the association. Every club and district is entitled to submit legislation to the Council. Every three years, representatives selected by their districts gather to consider proposals designed to move Rotary forward and adapt to the changing times. Clubs, districts, the RI Board, and the RIBI general council or conference may submit legislation and resolutions to the Councils.
Attached is a copy of the report from RI on the 2022 COL. This report should have been received already by your club secretary. Please make it available to interested members of your club. At the end of this report is an Opposition to Legislation Report Form. If they wish, Clubs may use the opposition form if they disagree with an adopted enactment. Completed forms must reach Rotary’s Council Services by 1 August 2022.
I’ve also attached my report to the District 9800 Board summarizing my impressions of the 2022 COL
ouncil on Resolutions
The Council on Resolutions meets online every year to vote on proposed resolutions and urgent enactments. Resolutions are requests to the Board or the Trustees to take an action that is outside the purview of the constitutional documents.
Ideally, a resolution should affect the Rotary world, rather than address local or administrative issues. An urgent enactment is a change to the constitutional documents, proposed by the RI Board, that the Board has determined cannot wait until the next Council on Legislation, which is held every three years.
The 2022 Council on Resolutions will take place in October 2022. Rotary must receive any proposed resolutions by 30 June 2022 through the online form here. Details on drafting and submitting resolutions can be found in How to Propose Resolutions