Armed with a multitude of tools - wrenches, allan keys, sockets, multigrips and as a last resort a hammer and chisel, we tackled the dismantle.
Led by Bob and Peter Cribb who is experienced at this, John Sklenar, Lesley McCarthy and Karolina Sevcikova tackled the low nuts and
bolts while Jules Borghouts and Suba Pragasam from North Melbourne Rotary tackled the higher elements and the 2 roofs.
See all the photos at photoalbums/rorp-kensington-ymca
bolts while Jules Borghouts and Suba Pragasam from North Melbourne Rotary tackled the higher elements and the 2 roofs.
See all the photos at photoalbums/rorp-kensington-ymca
It was a relatively easy job apart from a couple of recalcitrant bolts which Bob soon finished off with his hammer and chisel or drill.
This is a good fun hands on activity which was over and done in under 3 hours. Bob says this playground will join several others in the yard awaiting a container and shipping berth. It will probably go to Egypt where SA Rotary has made a connection.