Rotary Club of Essendon - Myanmar Projects Delegation
November 12th to 19th 2023
The International Committee of the Rotary Club of Essendon in 2023 will be undertaking projects of humanitarian significance in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Burma) for the 19th time since 2001.
Over seven days the tour will cover a lot about the projects which the RCE supports in Myanmar. We will also explore much about the culture, the food, the people and the issues that confront this nation. We will have the opportunity to meet local Rotarians, local traders and more, gaining a better understanding of Myanmar.
The projects for review and attending will be in these important areas of humanitarian aid. Our overall projects will amount to over AUD $90,000 this trip.
- Supply of dishwashing equipment to the Mary Chapman School for Deaf where the RCE has contributed funding to the supply and installation of a commercial size Dishwasher for the school’s use. AUD $6,000
- Supply of food (purchase of rice and other essentials), children’s clothing, sports balls for the Hope for Myanmar Children’s Home in Yangon. AUD $1,000
- Donation of funding and solar lights supply to Step In Step Up (SISU) Vocational Training Program for young Yangon teenagers. AUD $39,788
- Donation of Solar Study Lights to Step In Step Up (SISU) for Students to use at home as electricity black outs are very common
- Yangon General Hospital supply of medical equipment – Oxygen concentrators and Operation Theatre sterilizing equipment. AUD $ 45,876
- Myanmar Liver Foundation funding for consumables for patient care. AUD $500
- Visit to Yangon Rotary Club regular meeting to continue relationship building between our two clubs.
Step Up Step Out project. The SISU group has taken over the Dulwich College (who have left Myanmar) and run all there training here. The Vocational training program aims to give young adults low level job ready skills to ensure they get employed in Yangon. Child trafficking criminal activity is rife in Yangon. Children are trafficked for their “human organs” into China, Thailand and India and this project aims to stop that happening. Rotary Club of Essendon has made a significant donation towards this important work. (Over AUD$35,000) so far.
Background SCOT (Stop Child Organ Theft)
The UN estimates that around 700 children are saved from child trafficking each year in Myanmar. These are the lucky ones, the others numbering in the thousands that disappear from families, mothers, schools and neighbourhoods will never be seen again. The Military Government do nothing to control this criminal activity. And the problem is growing as child organ theft is now valued in Myanmar at over a Billion US dollars a year.
The SCOT Project was founded by Rotary Club of Essendon to help reduce child trafficking for organ theft in Myanmar (Burma). This is the priority in they do. Thanks to the generosity of donors, partners and corporate benefactors they work to positively change the lives of children who would otherwise be trafficked and murdered for their organs.
RCE’s connection with the STEP-IN STEP-UP (SISU), a not for profit organisation in Myanmar is the foundation of their assistance to the young people of Myanmar. They take a two-step approach to their project involvement. First, they seek out community-driven training initiatives started by local people to benefit their communities and improve young people’s quality of life. Second, they review their fundraising in a sustainable, accountable, and responsible manner.
Their mission is to raise funding from our supporters and donors to support the vocational training programs for young Myanmar people as well as child trafficking awareness community education programs organized via the Myanmar STEP-IN STEP-UP (SISU) organization. Reduction and prevention of child trafficking in Myanmar while working with Myanmar agencies to disrupt and dismantle the practice of child trafficking Myanmar is our priority.
The SCOT Project is so important for the prevention of Child Trafficking. The increase in the human trafficking of Myanmar women and children has been running in tandem with the economic crisis that has taken hold in Myanmar. Both due to the years of Covid19 and the takeover by the Military of the Government in 2021. On local Rotary advice, children are being more frequently trafficked for the theft and transplant of their bodily organs. The greatest prevention against Child Trafficking is youth vocational training and consequently youth employment.
A connection was made between the SCOT group and the Myanmar based STEP-IN STEP-UP (SISU) Vocational Training Centre who trains young adults in slum areas of Yangon. Since starting the program, SISU has trained more than 1000 graduates, and helped place up to 70% in meaningful jobs.
SISU uses their platform to educate parents, young adults and children about the deceptive ways of Child Traffickers. These measures will limit the child trafficking for organ theft. Myanmar authorities have little resources from Government to stop this horrendous sickening practice. Parents who are extremely poor are offered USD $50 from Child Traffickers who say they will employ their son or daughter in a factory. The child they are told will send money home each month to help with the family finances. The child is never seen again and will eventually be murdered for their organs. Those stolen organs will find their way into China, Thailand, or India for USD $150,000 to $350,000 to desperate wealthy parents who need an urgent organ for a sick child. This is a billion-dollar criminal illegal activity.
Other visits include:
Schwedagon Pagoda; Secretariat Building (old British colonial administration building) also the first Myanmar Parliament where assassinations took place back in the 1950’s; Hla Day organization retail outlet (next to Rangoon Tea House) which is an Artisan organization helping support the livelihoods of Myanmar artisans, many of whom are struggling to overcome disability, exclusion and poverty.; Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple reclining Buddha which is 217 foot long and is one of the largest in Myanmar; LinkAge Restaurant & Art Gallery (this place trains disadvantaged young people in hospitality and catering skills); Taukkyan War Cemetery which is dedicated to all those who died fighting the Battle of Burma WW2 from all over the Commonwealth; National Museum which has lots of exhibitions on Burmese History; Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue the last Jewish Temple in Burma; Drug Eliminating Museum; The Myanmar Liver Foundation to talk with the Doctors and staff about their future needs.