Past President Peter Cribb was awarded for his significant work in the establishment of the RoadSTART Learner Driver program
through the Rotary Club of Flemington in 2013.
through the Rotary Club of Flemington in 2013.

He coordinated sponsorship, funding, agreement and collaboration between Moonee Valley Council, the Victorian Transport Department, Victoria Police, Flemington Community Centre and the residents of the Debney Park high rise estate.
The RoadSTART Program is a truly unique project which has been our club focus for over 20 months and has involved all club members in the investigations, planning, development, financing, organization, risk management and to implementation. The project addresses a significant need in the wider Moonee Valley and Melbourne communities and is now meeting that need.
RoadSTART is a learner driver mentor education program which provides supervised driving experience for adult migrants living in Flemington and the surrounding suburbs. The program rose from a need identified by some of our members heavily involved in this Culturally and Linguistically Diverse community. The program is vital as many of these residents are unable to access commercial programs due to the language barrier and cost.
This program focuses on suitable local participants who will access the program for a variety of reasons including:
This program focuses on suitable local participants who will access the program for a variety of reasons including:
- Barriers to employment
- Barriers to mobility in transporting children to school
- People driving without a license
- Financial barriers
A similar program for teenagers operates in some areas of Melbourne and is known as L2P.
2 vehicles have been purchased with signage in place:
Vehicles have been fitted with special coded locks and are parked at Moonee Ponds and Flemington Police Stations when not in use
An administration assistant is employed 15 hours per week to manage the documentation and bookings for the program
There are 300 people on the Waiting List – list is closed until it has been reduced
286 lessons had been administered
286 lessons had been administered
20 learner drivers were accepted in the first cohort with the next group of 21 ready to start
3 learners achieved their driving licenses within the first 3 months.